Missed reports for last week’s extra rehearsals
Present: Dale, Marc, Jeff B, John, Greg, Dan
Our goal was to run the show. We did not succeed, although we made it to the end of IV.5 (the Aufidius scene) before we stopped. We think the remainder of the show should take us no more than 30 more minutes. That means that the show is probably going to run about three hours, which is OK.
It was agreed that we really need to run the show every day next week, despite not everyone being able to be at every rehearsal.
Schedule for next week:
- Monday: 6:00, in the park
- Tuesday: 6:00, at Dale’s house (There’s a big thing in the park that evening.)
- Wednesday: 6:00, in the park
- Thursday: 6:00, in the park
- Friday: 6:00, in the park
- Saturday: 9:00 am, in the park
- PERFORMANCE: SATURDAY, 3:00. Plan to be there at 2:00 to set up. The publicity promises a chat with curious audience members at 2:30, but you don’t have to be a part of that. Dale and Marc will be the front men for that; if you want to play, dive in.
We will run the show every night.
NO BOOKS ON STAGE starting Monday night. Call for line if you need it. Be planning where you need to end up and where poles, chairs, et al., need to be.