William Blake’s Inn: the beginning

On Wednesday, January 10, anyone who is interested should come to the Newnan School of Dance at 7:00 pm. We will listen/look at the complete Visit to William Blake’s Inn.

Interested in what?

  • hearing the complete music
  • discussing the possibilities for performance
  • hearing more about how we’ll work on this
  • setting up a schedule to work towards performance

What will we do?

  • Dale will project the score onto a screen and play the orchestrated work. There is about 34 minutes of music at this point.
  • Dale and Marc will discuss a structure for moving forward.
  • We will discuss the possibilities for turning this into a fullscale production, eventually leading to an international performance along the lines of Achievers International’s involvement in Scottish Opera’s Tale o’ Tam.
  • We will set goals and a schedule for the next three months.

Feel free to invite anyone you think might be interested (vid. sup.).

2 thoughts on “William Blake’s Inn: the beginning

  1. If you look in the archive for April 2006 you will find some DIRECTIONS TO NEWNAN SCHOOL OF DANCE in the post entitle “Inaugural Prep 1.”

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