King Lear

I’ve finally started reading Lear for the first time. Yes, my top-notch Tennessee education never broached the subject, and until now, I had not seen fit to do so for myself. Since there is nothing else going on here, how about this: name a role you might like to play (doesn’t even have to be your most desired), a role you would not like to play, and a role you would like to see someone in particular in the group to play (and tell who the person is). It would be helpful if you would tell us which role was which. In the interest of being clear, I am speaking of roles within King Lear, not just in general.

The Georgs?

I actually watched most of the Oscars last night. I’m not sure why. Maybe it was to watch those montages of films I HAVE seen. Maybe it is because I’d like to pretend to be an undiscovered actor. Maybe it was because I was too lazy to get up off the couch during that stretch of time and do something a bit more productive.

One of our fellow members has posted in his own domain about the possible lack of relevance in the Oscars this year. This, combined with a tad of residual guilt for spending a certain December evening dissecting the work of others and proclaiming it “not art” led me to yet another sporting discussion for is in the LS.

My challenge:In a more positive, supportive take on things, let’s acknowledge those things which have moved, changed, or otherwise positively effected us in the last year. Post your nominees, and the categories to which they should belong. Don’t feel constrained to those in use by the Academy, or even to the media of film for that matter.

Furthermore, I propose that in a Copernican approach to things, nominations should be based on what WE have encountered in the last year, not what has been produced or published in that time period inflatable pub. Maybe you just got around to reading Genesis this year, or perhaps the Rosetta stone. If so, and that’s what moved you, give it a category and nominate it.

Once one of us has nominated in a category, others are encouraged to add additional nominations in that category. Perhaps once things settle out, we can expose ourselves to the items listed, so as to cast an informed deciding vote. We could, alternatively, think about doing so and never get around to it. Either would be fine. Let the games begin. Nominate your favorites from 2006 for a Georg. Or perhaps they should be Lecti’s. Actually, make that “Lickys”. Yes, “Licky” will do quite nicely. Perhaps someone can design a statue for us to send to the winners…

Fear, audacity, creativity

Ok, so posting what someone else said is anything but creative. However, I heard this quote on a podcast this afternoon and had to track it down. It seems the perfect thing for this audience.”Write every day, line by line, page by page, hour by hour. Keep Story at hand. Use what you learn from it as a guide, until command of its principles becomes as natural as the talent you were born with. Do this despite fear. For above all else, beyond imagination and skill, what the world asks of you is courage, courage to risk rejection, ridicule and failure. As you follow the quest for stories told with meaning and beauty, study thoughtfully but write boldly. Then, like the hero of the fable sumo suits, your dance will dazzle the world.” Robert McKee, script writer/doctor, teacher

No Dead Artists

In the midst of my daily reading, I noticed a link reading “Artists who died in 2007”. Given recent debates on the subject of art, I gleefully clicked away hoping to find more grist for the mill. Much to my dismay, a quick perusal revealed disclaiming language referring to the contents as “…the artists, entertainers and pop culture figures who died in 2007.”

Given the additional categorization, I quickly lost interest. Instead, I pose the following, far more interesting question (to be answered by more interesting people): “Who are your candidates for a list of top 5 living artists?” Inclusion may be based on any number of factors:

  • the quantity of produced product qualifying (in the nominator’s eye) as art
  • the overall percentage or product qualifying as art
  • their production of art (however infrequently) that is so moving, earthshattering, trancendant, or whatever that it bears inclusion
  • some criteria far less mundane than those presented here

I dare not define for each of you either what qualifies as art or encourages your inclusion of the artist. Rather I challenge you to present your respective lists, and more importantly, explain your choices. If you are feeling particularly chippy, provide a themed list…

Casting Director

Nothing else I’ve proposed has cost me my posting privileges. Let’s see if this idea will. Here is my proposal for this particular exchange:

1. Propose a casting choice. You may choose anyone you like to play any role you like. TV, film, and stage are all acceptable. Players may include folks in this group, famous folk of any sort, or perhaps someone none of us knows (this last may make part two of the assignment more involved).

2. Explain yourself. You may make the choice you do for any reason you like. Perhaps your casting will result in the best portrayal the character has ever realized. Perhaps you would like to see the interpretation they bring. Perhaps the choice would radically redefine not only the role but the play/movie/tv show entirely. Perhaps you the only purpose would be for you to savor the irony of the choice. Regardless of your reasoning, provide some insight to the rest of us regarding your motivation. As I mentioned above, if the rest of us don’t know the individual, you may have to work a bit harder at this part.

Gathering Topics

Drunk with power from my new-found ability to post, I thought it might be fun to start another list. For this one, assume that Lacuna will meet on a recurring basis for two hours per “gathering”. Propose a topic that you think would be valuable and interesting for one or more of these gatherings. As long as we are speculating wildly, you may as well include who you believe should facilitate the topic jumpers. While volunteering yourself certainly increases the likelyhood that the event will actually transpire, it is by no means necessary.